i just recently dropped out of high school, because of all the shit i was taking, i was done with it, done with it all, i could not walk down the hallway with out getting at least one comment said to me, cause of all the crap i have been threw, i attempted suicide 3 times, i used to cut, i used to do drugs, i have lived in more houses then double my age, i live with my grandma, my mom lives in the back of a pick up truck in my little sisters dads house, i was raped when i was ten, i used to come home in elementary school with black eyes, i would tell my mom that i tripped, i have been bully-ed for as long as i remember, i have adhd, and ODD. i am a screwed up child that has had a screwed up life. I have loved few, 3 to be exact.  To Be Continued.....

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