Welcome back! So since I last posted alot has happened.... My house burnt down in april.... I have been homeless since.... My blackberry is totally broken.... My car is also not working, let alone running, :( ...... I`m tireed of all the drama in kelowna and want to movee sooo badd... im tired of people using me, its the people that i ones called friends... I`m still debating if im going to return to college in the fall... havent found a job.... but there are a few good things going on... My buddie zFinity is an up and coming rapper and im bringing him out, im helping him record and getting him noticed.... I started talking to this girl I wont tell you her name but so far she has changed things a little bit.... Making me happy just by talking to me... shes just so cute... i talk to her all night long.... she accepts me for me and ik she wont use me.... we have alot of the same interests... which is pretty kool :) I can just be myself around her :) I want to be with her one day....well maybe.... but i need to go its 6am i havent slept and i am talking to her so i gtg :P ttysoon :) byee

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