Hello there, how are you? Me? I’m doing well. I just got a letter a few weeks ago from Okanagan College saying that I am accepted… YAY!! :) So I will be starting Dual Credit (Pays for first year and gives me credits for high school) Culinary Arts in February. Ummm I am currently attempting to finish high school, it’s not as easy as it seems. I got in trouble the other day for skipping class so I got sent to RSF (Rutland Store Front) it’s were high schoolers spend their Detentions or suspensions. It’s kind of lame but the teachers are nice. So I guess that’s a bonus, ha-ha. I recently broke up with my ex Amanda we ended up dating twice but this time is most likely the last time. See her and her friends thought it would be funny to prank call me at like 2am on new year’s, then she lied to me saying that her bff lost her phone on the bus earlier, then like 5 texts later she admitted it, she thought it was funny… I didn’t… But that’s the past.  I and Chelsea aren’t friends anymore; we haven’t talked in a few months. But oh well, wasted love. But there’s another girl, she has captured my heart in so many ways. I think I love her… wait idkk, that’s way too fast… but idkk it’s just so hard to feel anything after loving Chelsea for years, then my heart gets stomped on. Well that’s life, but this girl will remain nameless atm. She is amazing, beautiful; she stops my heart every time we hug, she takes my breathe away, I get lost in her eyes… I guess we just have to wait and see what happens.  I haven’t thought about suicide in a while… I guess that’s good. I’m falling behind in my classes a little bit. I have to get those back up or I won’t be going to OK College. I have to pull up my socks and keep my wheels on the ground.  I and Sammy had a little fight today, I hope she is alright. Cheer has been good, not this weekend but next weekend is PAC, are first Cheer Comp. It is going to be crazy. But I should probably get going and actually do my work ha-ha :P Good b…. See you next time :)

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